The shocking and colossal tech failures of the past decade: Lessons learned

thumbs down for tech failures

An overview of the biggest tech failures of the past decade: From Google Glass to the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Despite the many advancements that have been made in the past decade, there have been a number of high-profile tech failures that have had a significant impact on the industry. From Google Glass, Amazon Fire Phone, … Read more

6 Reasons to Embrace the Power of a Mobile App for Your New or Old Business

mobile app

As a business owner, it is crucial to stay ahead of the competition in order to thrive and succeed. A mobile app can be a valuable addition to your digital marketing strategy, and with the increasing prevalence of smartphones, more and more customers are using apps to interact with businesses. By using one, you can … Read more

Stay ahead of the Game: The Top 11 Cybersecurity Threats of the Year and How to Protect Yourself

An image of the world, representing online security and protection against cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity Threats Cybersecurity threats are a critical concern for individuals and organizations alike. The constantly evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats means that it is essential to stay informed and to implement robust security measures to protect against attacks. In this article, we will explore the top 11 cybersecurity threats of the year. We will also … Read more

9 Exciting Emerging Technologies that are Transforming the World

Doctor's use of Emerging Technologies such as artificial intelligence, gene editing, and 3D printing which are shaping the future

Emerging technologies are shaping the way we live, work, and communicate in unprecedented ways. From artificial intelligence and virtual reality to gene editing and solar energy, these technologies have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries and change the world as we know it. In this article, we will explore 10 emerging technologies … Read more

The Death of Active Directory: Is it Time to Move on?

A graph showing the adoption of Active Directory in the early 2000s and its decline in recent years as businesses shift towards cloud-based directory services such as Azure Active Directory and Google Cloud Directory

The Rise For over two decades, Active Directory has been a mainstay in many organizations’ IT infrastructure, providing a central location for storing and managing user and computer data. The rise of Active Directory can be traced back to the early 2000s, when it was first introduced as part of Windows 2000 Server. It quickly … Read more

Igniting Your Career in IT: My Proven Strategies for Achieving Success and Thriving in a Dynamic Industry

Career in IT

Pursuing a Career in IT For more than two decades, my experience pursuing a career in IT has been both challenging and rewarding. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of tackling a diverse array of projects, ranging from small, intimate assignments to expansive endeavors shared across multiple departments and sometimes companies. Despite the … Read more

Top 6 Things Every IT Professional Wish They Knew Before Starting a New Job

A young IT professional sitting at their desk with a computer and a stack of books, representing the learning and growth that occurs before Starting a new job in IT

Starting a New Job Starting a new job can be both exciting and intimidating, especially if it’s your first job in the IT industry. There’s so much to learn and so many things to consider, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. To help make your transition into your first … Read more

5 Surprising Benefits of Using Old Technologies in the Modern World

In the fast-paced world of technology, it is easy to get caught up in the hype of the latest and greatest gadgets and tools. However, there are many benefits to using older technologies that are often overlooked. From cost savings to learning opportunities and environmental benefits, there are a number of surprising advantages to using … Read more

Best Practices for Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration

Remote Work

The year was 2020 and the world as we knew it had changed. The outbreak of a new virus had caused unprecedented disruption to global economies, forcing many businesses to adopt remote working and virtual collaboration. To survive, it’s important for businesses and organizations to have effective strategies in place to ensure that employees can … Read more